Happy Birthday Sheree! I love you!
In general I have been told there are three seasons in Thailand: Hot, Hotter, and Hottest. Inside these three "seasons" exist the rainy season & the dry season. Bangkok has been anything but dry lately.
The rainy season lasts from approximately June to September- we are right in the thick of it. Leaving for work early in the morning, it is a sunny day, birds tweeting in the background... and then fifteen minutes later the monsoon has arrived! It is amazing how fast the clouds move over such a vast city (a LARGE city of 10 million bustling people is anything but small)!
Tonight my friends and I went out to dinner. Afterwards we needed a few groceries so we shopped in the store for maybe twenty minutes. As we came out of the store we saw the rain pelting the road. You know you are in a monsoon when:
a. you walk from one awning to another and are drenched
b. you stand 15 feet away from the edge of an overhead covering and the wind generously carries the rain to you.
c. the rain is so loud that you can't hear the person next to you squeal, scream, or speak as you are running for cover.
d. after the monsoon has "let up" you try crossing the street and realize it has turned into a miniature river... only after 15 minutes of rainfall.
e. you experience this almost every day.
I monsoon, do you?
It's been drizzling all day and I'm already sick of it. I feel for you!
On the plus side, now you can accessorize with a sweet umbrella!
TEEEEEEEEEEEEJ!!! I remember these monsoons well, they are are as crazy as you say! It's nice to read your stories and reminisce of the good ol thai days. This is going to be such a brilliant time, it's only going to get better. Keep posting, cheers!
- j casson.
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