Monday, August 4, 2008

Bangkok By Moto...

Today was my first day of work--- yay!  However class doesn't begin for a few more days, thanks goodness!  I have a lot of preparation to do before classes; and mainly things I didn't think about before: grading system, syllabus & class outline, quizzes/tests--- themes!? 

But there are a few things I do have:

(x) first time teacher
(x) who can't speak Thai
(x) is continuously afraid of encountering a cockroach in her home 
(x) due to humidity is forced to say goodbye to straight hair
(x) ate strange brown jello mixture and is still alive
(x) rode moto in BKK

Aside from work/teaching confusion, I went to the j.j. market yesterday to buy some things for my apartment.  I went with two Thai teachers and their family.  It was extremely hot and most of the time there was barely room to move.  Of course, I was already expecting this... 
To the right is this jello-madness that I couldn't figure out how to pronounce.  It tastes crazy.  

First they took some kind of solidified jello, put
it in a bowl, added ice, brown sugar, and told me to stir it.  This is the result... it tasted kind of like licorice.  

Today after work the security guard took me to get some photos for my visa: via moto.  It was a blast, however there were a few instances, riding between two powerful hondas, I wondered how sturdy the motorbike was.  Yet not as intense moto-land as Hanoi, strong work S. Schwartz.  Nevertheless I hope to be going on a full city tour of Bangkok on my own someday soon...

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